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446 Reviews


the last "Bella" verison in Twilight

The final "chapter" was very much aniticipted and not a disappointment in any way. The fact that each of these books is strangely compelling not withstanding, the finale was very well executed. There were a few dead ends, but the real climax was satisfying and the ending made you think that there could be a continuation of the series - and you want that.
Strange at it may seem, this series is very addictive. You really want the "Twilight" series to continue. You care about the characters. That, in the final anyalisis is the true gift this author has. She writes about chararcters you want to care about and you do. You want to know what happened to them.
Initially I was involved with the comparison between Meyer and Rawlins, but they could be twins - so what! It's the work that makes the impact and you can't help but care about characters in the Twilight series. I think that's the best part of her books. These are characters that you get into a relationship with. For every reader it might be different. Personally, I'd like to see what Jason's relationship with the baby turns into.
You just have to read all the books if you want to know what that means.
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Climax without the "O"

This was an excellent ending to an excellent series by Stephenie Meyers. Breaking Dawn, part of the Twilight series, Began with Bella and Edwards wedding. From all the descriptions, it was a beautiful wedding. During the reception of this wedding, the conflict is brought in, by the name of Jacob Black. He is overly outraged at the fact Bella plans to get intimate with Edward before she is changed Into a vampire. Bella leaves for her honeymoon with her and Jacob presently on bad terms. On this beatiful, island set honeymoon, Bella becomes pregnant with Edward Child. This child quickly grows, becoming more noticed by the day. Bella and Edward return to Forks, Edward planning for Bella to have an abortion. Bella Refuses, and enlists the help of Rosalie to protect her decision from being swayed. Bella has Jacob come and see her, and he is depressed at the sight of her, being sallow and pale, with a bulging belly. Jacobs pack is frightened at the prospect at what this child may be. They want to destroy this abomination they know nothing of, which upsets Jacob. He leaves the pack, becoming his own leader, and with two followers, Seth and Leah Clearwater. He patrolls the Cullen house, protecting Bella from any wolves that want to come to hurt her. One night, Bella bends over, and starts going into labor. The child, too big for her, breaks her body, killing her slowly. After Edward extracts the child, he injects Bella and bites her, letting his venom into her. Jacob then sees the child, and instantly imprints. Bella falls in love with her vampire self, instantly suprising everybody with her self control. One day, while out hunting with her daughter Renesmee, who is now in the form of a child, She is spotted by a vampire of the Denali clan, who runs of to Italy to tell the volturi. The cullens find this out, and ask around all the vampires they can to be witnesses, in case the volture decide to attack. I call this a climax without the O, because the end leads you to believe there is going to be a fight over renesmee, between the wolves with the cullens and other vampires, against all of the volturi. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen. They end on seemingly good terms, which was a major put off. Even Rowling was brave enough to kill off a few of her key roles. This would have hurt many of the twilight readers, of course, but it would have put a lot more passion into it as well. All in all this was a good read, and I will read it again and again, for I am a true twilight fan. The only complaint, is i didn't get the O at the end of the climax.Read full review...


Very Good "Conclusion" A Series I Have Enjoyed

I really enjoyed this book, although not as much as the first 3. In the begining you got the satisfaction of finally getting Bella's and Edwards marriage and subsuquent honeymoon (Once again done in good taste parents). Events durring the honeymoon lead to events that 1) finally make Bella and Rosalie friends, 2) lead to Bella's death and subsuquent changing into a vampire, 3) Jacob finally letting go of Bella (but we are happy for him), 4) the Volturi deciding to "bring the Cullens to justice for their crimes" (they are scared of the Cullens and just looking for a fight), and finally 5) we get to meet a LOT of other vampires.

I didn't mind the ending, in fact I was rather fond of it. If you've enjoyed the series up to this point, definatly finish it up and enjoy.

Stephine Meyer has said in an interview that she is already halfway through another book titled "Midnight Sun, Twilight." It is Twilight rewritten from Edward's point of view. You can check out the first chapter on Meyer's website here... http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/midnightsun_chapter1.pdf
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Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (2008)

This is really interesting for me, as I was really impressed with Twilight. My MOM loved Twilight. I didn’t even really need a sequel. The second one (is that New Moon?) I didn’t even finish. It wasn’t that I hated it, I just wasn’t interested. I don’t think I even got 3 chapters into it. And then, I started hearing all these really terrible reviews about the successive books, and then hearing all about the rabid fans (aka LKH), and I was happy I didn’t board that boat when it left. I will always like Twilight, but I am absolutely content not reading the rest of them.Read full review...


The Tide That Never Rose

After reading Eclipse, I was expecting Meyer to tie loose ends and explain why Bella loves Edward and vice versa besides both looking beautiful to the other. She never did.

There were 13 pages dedicated to the description of Bella's birth scene that went on forever. It could have been nicely described within 2 pages the most. Taking up 13 pages to tell the reader that Bella endured unimaginable pain and how black and dark everything was...is just too much.

Meyer had a tendency to overuse the word "grimace" in her previous books. Now this one she toned it down a little. However, she got to overusing the words, "flank" and "hover" or "hovering." Slightly irksome, but not unforgivable.

The suspense was good, but all that built up led to nothing. It was like a tide you saw coming but dissolved into thin air before you could even ride it. The ending was flat. Bella changed without describing the progress--it was very abrupt.

The way Bella was describing her ache for Edward's physical love, one would think she was a one-dimensional character with no other aspirations, desire or side to her character. "I'd been planning on needing years just to somewhat organize the overwhelming passion I felt for him physically." Then weeping and throwing a fit because he refused to make love to her?

I see Meyer's development in writing and that's wonderful. The beginning was very good and certain parts of the book were very well written. Overall though, it was disappointing. Others may find it a totally great read; it depends on your view.

Other then that, I love the series. My favorite will always be Twilight. I think you should still read Breaking Dawn though, to see for yourself.
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Breaking Dawn is an enjoyable read, a good conclusion for Twilight series.

I began reading the Twilight series because my 14 yr old was reading the books. I like to be aware of her activities. They were clearly fiction and we talked together about them. I did enjoy reading them, too.
Breaking Dawn is the 4th and final book of the series, and it tied together all of the characters and the relationships among them.
It was an easy read and kept my interest. It had action, emotional turmoil, romance, personal conflicts, and dealt with moral issues as well. I enjoyed the characters and the plot: Edward and Bella's fierce love for each other and his struggle to keep her safe, even from his own vampire desires for human blood. Jacob's fierce love for Bella and the strength of their friendship, despite the conflict between the vampires and the werewolves. The bonds of Jacob's pack, the support of the Cullen's family. The wedding, the birth of the child, the unity of all to protect first Bella and then her child.
I found the ending to be surprising, even somewhat anti-climatic. It left me wondering, "what happened next? How did relationships change with Bella and Esme, Rosalie, Alice? Did she and Edward go on to college? Did the child grow to adulthood? Did she bond to Jacob? What about the werewolf packs? Did the the vampire groups keep in contact? Did the Volturi accept defeat?" It did not seem to have the finality expressed, for example, in the Harry Potter series.
I appreciated Ms Meyer's listing of the members in the various vampire clans to help me keep them straight, especially as they prepared for battle.
This may have been the last book in the Twilight series but enough questions remain for more. I guess the best compliment for an author is her readers wanting more. Kudos to Stephenie Meyer.
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Bella Embraces (at least) Eight Monumental Life Changes

My fascination with the world of Bella and Edward began when I noticed that so many of my ninth grade English Language Arts students were reading the Twilight Series. Even the boys were reading this series! Since getting a ninth grade, low-level, or repeater boy to read ANY book is a monumental task - I made a trip to the bookstore at super-speed!

Ten pages into the first book and I was hooked! It didn't take me long to knock out the four-book series because it was such a fast and enjoyable read. Stephanie Meyer has many themes woven into the books, but the one that stands out to me is the question, "What makes us truly human?" The Cullens work really hard to be human, even going so far as to only drink the blood of animals. In the series, every time the Cullens are contrasted to other vampires, we see their distinct differences: they are able to deny their instincts and make human choices, even when that choice gives them physical pain. In this last book, we see vampires from the extended acquaintances of the Cullens. They don't forsake human blood, but they do have many qualities to admire.

The last book, Breaking Dawn, is a coming of age tour-de-force. I loved the fact that so many surprises were in this last of the series. It was kind of like the second Rocky movie: Rocky gets married; Rocky buys a cool jacket and a cooler car; Rocky buys a house; Rocky gets and loses a job; etc. You get the picture. Cannot say too much or I will be giving away too many surprises and nothing keeps a reader's attention like surprises!

For parents that are skeptical, there is nothing remotely offense about the book. You can safely let your preteens and teens read this book. I would rate it safe like a PG-13 rating for the movies. The best way to know, however, is to read it yourself.

From day one, I have always been Team Edward. My husband is Team Sheriff (yes, he read them as well). Now, don't you want to pick a team? Happy reading!
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Worth Your Time

This book falls into the category of Teen Fiction, but although I am not a teen, I still really loved it. I've read the three previous books, and I think the author does a good job of closing out the series. Loyalties are questioned, love is tested, and we really get to see Bella come into her own. Like many others, I am sad that this is technically the last book, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. These characters are so easy to like, and the author does a great job with the supernatural elements - so many writers turn these elements into something disgustingly cheesy, or overly complicated. I liked the idea of "vegan" vampires, and how Meyer didn't feel the need to construct her vampires (or werewolves) based on previous folklore (ie: silver bullets, sunlight, etc.). And it may sound schmaltzy, but another thing I liked about this book (and the rest of the Twilight series) is that the author didn't feel the need to liberally pepper her books with explicit, gratuitous sex or profanity - there is some very mild innuendo, but other than that, the reader is left to his or her imagination for the (few) scenes of intimacy. Many thanks to the author for not jumping on the sexual oversaturation bandwagon! And at this moment I can't think of any offensive language occurring in the book(s), either. Again, the author refrains from being crass and chooses to have her characters communicate their feelings using non-profane terms - imagine that! It really is possible! For those who are new to the series, I recommend starting with the first book (Twilight) and reading the others in order (New Moon, then Eclipse) before reading Breaking Dawn - obviously, there is a lot of backstory involved and you will enjoy Breaking Dawn so much more if you are better informed. Even though all good things must come to an end, I look forward to the release of the Twilight movie in December, and I hope Meyer really does publish Midnight Sun so that we can experience the series all over again through Edward's eyes. Until then, I will help others enjoy Meyer's talent by sharing my copies of the books and encouraging them to buy their own. All are worth your time.Read full review...


Great book to read

Great book at a great price. This book I purchased was a book we had in our school library. The student that checked it out never return our copy. This was a used book to replace the other book. I am very happy that I was able to purchase a used copy and donate it to our school library.Read full review...


Just what I was looking for!

i have miss placed my copy of breaking dawn, a old worn copy that is super water logged and a big part of my fond teenage memories. When I saw this listing I was so excited, absolutely reasonable pricing for a nicely worn book! Thanks so much xxRead full review...

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