Tales from the Crypt: The Complete Series Seasons 1-7 (DVD, 2017) FREE SHIPPING
Sep 28, 2020
As good as I remember it
Loved this series when I was in middle school-high school. Never realized the names behind the series until now. Spielberg had Amazing Stories and Zemeckis had Tales from the crypt.
I’m through the first 2 seasons and each episode have been great.
It’s a plus that it’s not near $200 as it was when the set was first released.
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Rawlings Heart of Hide 12.75 RHT Baseball Glove - PRO3319-6BGCF
Dec 21, 2023
If you play competitive baseball the Rawlings HOH is the way to go.
Glove is perfect. Didn't take long to break in to my liking