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Reviews (9)
As a Man Thinketh By James Allen Philosophy Book on Leadership Paperback Reprint
Jan 30, 2020
The Right Stuff at the Right Price. Seriously.
"Is the content compelling?" Depends on the recipient of said content. SOME, whose minds have not been /poisoned/ by US Common Core+media saturation, will glom right onto the keys contained therein. Others, sadly armored against all manner of genuine wisdom, will trash it outright without even passing the book on to anyone else. Not really knowing the mentality of the one intended to receive this gem of wisdom, Yours Truly opted to provide the core content at minimal expense to the ole Pensioners' Budget. Time will tell - it takes a year and a day for a greenhorn to pan or fizzle right out, Depending. But the Meal is now on the Table - Strong Meat and all - with nary a hint of anything Biblical to "trigger" a religion-damaged but otherwise healthy human mind. THAT is the *BEAUTY* of "As a Man Thinketh"! So THANKS, Cap'n Morgan! GLAD to have met ye on these stormy seas of This American Life! We'll likely meet-up again, sooner or later. And that is all. 0{;-)o[
2000g (4.4 lb)100% PURE Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Powder USP NonGMO non-irradiated
Oct 25, 2017
Baking-soda-buffered Mega-Dose Vitamin C Cures Nearly Everything but Death Itself...
But y'gotta' have a LOAD of it ON HAND to WORK with to receive the benefit. And here in MY kitchen is the Next Load. All *I* know is that passing a huge spheroidal lump from my upper colon (amid a flood of VERY black water) is far preferable to any chemo treatment, let alone any colostomy. Fifty grams/day for a year or so (fighting the intermittent constipation/diarrhea all the way) led to said discharge and a NORMAL STOOL for the first time in a DECADE. A month later, ALL is WELL. At LAST. Tip 1: 100 grams VitC and 25 grams Baking Soda is just about the Right Proportion of the Key Ingrediants to fill a 96-ounce bottle to a concentration of one gram per fluid ounce. Tip 2: Sweeten this product with Stevia Powder and flavor your brew with Vanilla Extract, Ground Anise or Saigon Cinnamon to taste. Avoid white sugar. Don't feed the plague. Fact: I am not a doctor. Yours will HATE me - and likely PUNISH YOU - if you tell them what I just told you here, Beloved Gentle Seeking Reader! So please: Use discretion when discussing Natural and Nutritional Medicine with MD-degreed doctors. Mustn't upset 'em! Precaution: "Oh MY, Doctor! It LOOKS like YOUR MEDICINE REALLY WORKED! THANK YOU, Doctor!" and similar quasi-false-face expressions of abject admiration while in the Office may be necessary for sheer self-protection from the wrath of some of today's crop o' whitecoat MDs. (VERY tender egos, them schmendrickim!) So be wise. Become your OWN Best Doctor Ever with FOOD and VITAMINS - RESTORE your health and STAY in GOOD health the BEST way. Health-science-spirit (dot)com; now I say NO more. And that is all. 0{;-)o[
3 of 3 found this helpful
Black and Decker Power Shot 5700m Brad & Staple Gun Nailer
Feb 07, 2018
Like a Godsend.
Having owned a PowerShot stapler for many years and realizing loing ago how, ah, popular they are, I was enraged but not surprised when my own unit Went Missing. Nobody stole ot - Mr. I. B. Nobody to be precise. So I went shopping. Found and ordered. The item arrived promptly and in perfect condition. It's considerably newer than my own Old Original, now "Gone Walking". THIS one is MARKED with factory-original artwork indicating where the staples exit and how to hold the (admittedly odd-shaped) thing. So I loaded-up on the spot. Turned to with success. And that (with many thanks to my Unmet EBay Friend who did faithfully perform as promised) is all. 0{;-)o[